Hello everyone, this is another episode of Clicker Heroes. In this video I will explain gilded heroes and everything about it. Just watch the video to listen to what I have to say. I also talk about de-gilding and which heroes to de-gild, some are more efficient than others. Watch my other CH for guides about ancients and hero souls.

If you are somewhere in the mid-late game where you want to start de-gilding, this calculator/simulator may be VERY helpful in assisting you:

Efficiency List (found somewhere on reddit):
Treebeast: 1
Ivan: 1.15
Brittany: 1.22
Fisherman: 0.51
Betty: 0.07
Samurai: 1.32
Leon: 0.49
Forest: 1.15
Alexa: 0.26
Natalia: 0.88
Mercedes: 0.74
Bobby: 0.59
Broyle: 0.22
George: 0.47
Midas: 0.02
Referi: 0.53
Abaddon: 0.32
Ma Zhu: 0.59
Amenhotep: 0.03
Beastlord: 0.28
Athena: 0.73
Aphrodite: 0.99
Shinatobe: 0.68
Grant: 0.65
Frostleaf: 1.34