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Twitter: @lazeellama
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Auto Clickers I Use
OP Auto Clicker:
1.0e10 Calculator
18.09.2024Press t when the auto clicker is upgrading a hero.
18.09.2024llama llama wheres the tutorial series 🙂
18.09.2024I do save a bunch of AS until the end of a trans, then i distribute them just as you said here, to keep everything above 100%
Edit : Btw, I think you shall try doing a 24h timelaps when you are very late into a trans.. for 20 rubies you will gain over 100k zones.
18.09.2024Llama I have a important question i can't find a AWNSER to anywhere not even reddit,when will clicker heroes update come on steam
18.09.2024Hey LazeeLlama, Youtube here.
18.09.2024Still remember when this game was completely new. It has changed so much since that. Guess I have to catch up somehow now xD
I played Clicker Heroes tons before transcendence was a thing. Well anyways, I started again and think I am about to do my first transcend on this save. Gonna get 13 Ancient Souls. Is it worth at this time or should I keep going for a while still?
18.09.2024BEST VID EVER
18.09.2024im bad
18.09.2024You know, the presents don't go away when you Transcend. You can use this to get a pile of relics on FAINT without spending any Rubies or needing to claim HS from rewards.
18.09.2024At 1:41 Critical Miss Was A Crit